The documentation for "lme" includes the following:
lme(fixed, data, random, correlation, weights, subset, method,
na.action, control, contrasts = NULL)
random: optionally, any of the following: (i) a one-sided formula of
the form '~x1+...+xn | g1/.../gm', with 'x1+...+xn'
specifying the model for the random effects and 'g1/.../gm'
the grouping structure
If you can't figure it out from this and the brief examples in the
help file, I have three other suggestions:
(1) Have you considered "lmer" in package "lme4"? This
function is
newer, the specification of random effects is different, and it may or
may not be easier to figure out.
(2) Have you seen Pinheiro and Bates (2000) Mixed-Effects Models in S
and S-PLUS (Springer)? This is the definitive documentation on
library(nlme). I've learned a lot from this book, and it might help you
even if you use "lme4".
(3) If you still can't figure it out, PLEASE do read the posting
guide! "". Many people are
able to answer their own questions in the course of preparing a question
following this guide. If they still submit a question, I believe they
are more likely to get a useful reply. In particular, if you submit
another question on this, please try to include a self-contained toy
example illustrating something you've tried that someone can copy from
your email, paste it into R, and test a few minor changes in a matter of
spencer graves
ronggui wrote:> data from multilevel units,first sample the class ,and then the student in
calss.following is the 2-level model. and the level-1 model deals with the
student,and the level-2 model deals with the class level the students belong to.
> Level-1 Model
> Y = B0 + B1*(ZLEAD) + B2*(ZBUL) + B3*(ZSHY) + R
> Level-2 Model
> B0 = G00 + U0
> B1 = G10 + G11*(ZWARMT) + U1
> B2 = G20 + G21*(ZWARMT) + G22*(ZABLET) + U2
> B3 = G30 + G31*(ZWARMT) + G32*(ZSHYT1) + U3
> i have seen the ?lme in nlme,but still have no ideal how to do.
> ps:i know how to do if the Level-2 Model are:
> B0 = G00 + U0
> B1 = G10 + U1
> B2 = G20 + U2
> B3 = G30 + U3
> 2005-06-10
> ------
> Deparment of Sociology
> Fudan University
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