Hi, sorry to bother you again, but I can't figure it out myself and I also can't find any in-depth documentation about it... Consider the following SAS code (A1II2... contain the measurements for 40 subjects): proc glm; model A1II2 A1IN2 A1NI2 A1NN2 = /nouni; repeated CONTEXT 2, TARGET_SATZ 2; title "A1 500-900 ms"; This produces not only the univariate ANOVAs, but also a number of multivariate MANOVAs, including some test statistics (Wilks' Lambda, Pillai's Trace, etc.) on various hypothesis (no CONTEXT effect, no TARGET_SATZ effect, no CONTEXT*TARGET_SATZ effect). Unfortunately, I can't seem to be able to figure out how to reproduce this in R. There's obviously little sense in treating A1II2..A1NN2 as separate responses, so I came up with the following (for testing a single effect): resp <- cbind( c(A1II2,A1IN2), c(A1NI2,A1NN2)) cond <- gl(2,40,80) subj <- gl(40,1,80) summary(manova( resp ~ cond + Error(subj/cond) )) Error: subj Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F) Residuals 39 Error: subj:cond Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F) cond 1 0.07911 1.63232 2 38 0.2089 Residuals 39 Warning message: Error model is singular in: aov(resp ~ cond + Error(subj/cond)) Now, this looks halfway reasonable, but it's not quite there. My questions are: - why is the Error model singular? - am I even on the right path, or is this completely wrong? - what do I do for interaction effects? I'd be very happy if you could give me any hints of where I should be going with this... Thanks again Bela