2005-Feb-01 20:09 UTC
[R] New R/Splus Course***"Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis Using XGobi/GGobi" in San Francisco
XLSolutions Corporation ( is proud to announce our new 2-day course: "R/Splus Course***"Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis Using XGobi/GGobi" in San Francisco: ****San Francisco, CA ---------------------------- February 21st-22nd, 2005 Reserve your seat now at the early bird rates! Payment due AFTER the class. Course Description: This course is designed as a hands-on introduction to direct manipulation and dynamic graphics for exploring multi-dimensional data. The course will focus on the data visualization tools available in GGobi, which can be accessed from the data analysis package, S/R. Course Outline: - Introduction and overview of graphics for multidimensional data with GGobi - Exploring the distribution of missing values with GGobi - Graphics for classification, both supervised and unsupervised with GGobi - Exploratory spatio-temporal data analysis with GGobi - Analysis of microarray Data with GGobi - Exploring multivariate longitudinal data with GGobi - Proximity analysis and multidimensional scaling with GGobi - Categorical data and ANOVA with GGobi - Inference for data visualization with GGobi - Strategies for handling large data with GGobi Email us for group discounts. Email Sue Turner: sue at Phone: 206-686-1578 Visit us: Please let us know if you and your colleagues are interested in this classto take advantage of group discount. Register now to secure your seat! Interested in R/Splus Advanced course? email us. Cheers, Elvis Miller, PhD Manager Training. XLSolutions Corporation 206 686 1578 elvis at