Have you read the posting guide, which says:
For questions about unexpected behavior or a possible bug provide
details about your platform (Windows2000, Linux, OS X) and R version
(type version at the R prompt). State the full version number, e.g.,
`1.8.1', not just `1.8'. State whether you installed a pre-compiled
binary version of R or compiled it yourself. If the function is in a
package other than `base', include the header output from
library(help=thatPackage). If you are using an old version of R and
think it does not work properly, upgrade.
Further, we don't have access to your data, so there's no way we can
reproduce what you have done.
My guess is that you are using an old version of R and lattice, and this
bug has already been fixed. I have no idea if it would help, but have
you tried layout = c(1,1,4)?
On Wednesday 22 September 2004 09:32, Jacques VESLOT
wrote:> Dear all,
> I tried to use layout argument in xyplot to get one panel per page.
> I have a dataframe named 'data' with the following variables:
> x, y = coords,
> sub, bloc = 2-level factors,
> etat = 5-level factor,
> I did :
> > lset(theme = col.whitebg())
> > xyplot(y ~ x | bloc*sub , data=data, groups=etat,
> + layout=c(0,1,4),
> + main="Etat des plantes dans chaque bloc",
> + auto.key=list(columns=5, cex=.8),
> + scales=list(relation="free", draw=FALSE),
> + xlab="", ylab="",
> + ylim=list(c(52, 69), c(16, 33), c(35, 51), c(-1, 15)))
> and received this error message :
> Error in if (!any(cond.max.level - cond.current.level < 0) &&
(row -
> 1) * : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
> I tried some changes in arguments - notably layout=c(0,1), but
> anything works.
> Thanks for helping...
> Jacques VESLOT
> CIRAD R??union
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