On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, RenE J.V. Bertin wrote:
> Dear all,
> A few quick questions about interpreting and evaluating the results of
> linear regressions, to which I hope equally quick answers are possible.
> 1) The summary.lm method prints the R and R^2 correlation coefficients
> (something reviewers like to see). It works on glm objects and (after
> tweaking it to initialise z$df.residual with rdf) also on rlm objects.
> Are the R, R^2 and also the p values reported reliable for these fit
> results? If not, how do I calculate them best?
Well, for rlm no, as it is not least-squares fitting and R^2 is very
suseptible to outliers. For glm, not really unless it is a Gaussian
> 2) For a simple 1st order linear fit, what is the best way to calculate
> the (95%) confidence interval on/of the slope?
Use confint. (MASS chapter 7 has examples.)
> 3) The p values reported for the calculated coefficients and intercept
> indicate to what extent these values are significantly different from
> zero (right?).
> Aside from question 2), what is the best way to compare
> the calculated slope with another slope (say of the unity line)?
Use offset, as in y ~ x + offset(x) and test for the coefficient of x to
be zero. (That's R only, BTW.)
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
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