Is there any software to estimate dependence between Bernoulli trials? I have N observations on k-vectors of 0s and 1s, and I need to model the dependence. Consider the simple case with k = 2. There are 4 possible outcomes: (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), and (1, 1). I assume 0 = "failure" and 1 = "success". I assume further that there are 3 independent failure mechanisms, one that makes the first outcome 0 with probability (1-q1), another that makes the second outcome 0 with probability (1-q2), and a third that make them both 0 with probability (1-q12). I compute the probabilities of these 4 outcomes as follows: P00 = Pr(0, 0) = q1*q2*q12 = probability of no failures. P01 = Pr(0, 1) = q1*(1-q2)*q12 = probability of a failure from the second mechanism and none from the other 2. P10 = Pr(1, 0) = (1-q1)*q2*q12 = probability of a failure from the first mechanism and none from the other 2. P11 = Pr(1, 1) = 1-Pr(0,0)-Pr(0,1)-Pr(1,0). With this setup, I can write a likelihood function, parameterize it appropriately, and estimate what I need. However, I wonder if something already exists. Best Wishes, Spencer Graves