Klaus Jensen
2004-Jul-08 14:20 UTC
[R] Code OK - Predicting X from Y in four-parameter fit (SSfpl) -
[Sorry for any inconvenience - Code is OK now] While analyzing titration-data using four parameter fit, I need to predict single values from the model: I need to predict both ways (ie: X->Y & Y->X): Example: library(nls) cramp<-c(33,100,300,900,2700,8100,24300,72900) myo<-c(2.7130,2.6790,1.5255,0.7675,0.3670,0.2150,0.1575,0.1400) titration<-data.frame(cramp,myo) fi<-nls(myo~SSfpl(log(cramp),A,B,xmid,scal),data=titration) SSfpl(log(2000), coef(fi)[1],coef(fi)[2],coef(fi)[3],coef(fi)[4]) -> 0.3689212 This is an example of predicting single values X->Y Here is my question: How do I predict the other way around Y->X ?? Any help is appreciated Best regards, Klaus State Serum Institute, Copenhagen