Hi, On the basis of a couple of supportive e-mails, we've set up a page listing the R web 'servers' similar to Philippe Grosjean's R-GUI site. http://franklin.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu/R.web.servers/index.html If people are keen, we'd be happy to provide it or have it linked from R-project. It's skinny now, but more can be added. If we've missed any projects, please tell us. Best, Nathan Whitehouse Shaw laboratory ====Nathan Whitehouse Statistics/Programming Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX, USA nlwhitehouse at yahoo.com work: 1-713-798-9029 cell: 1-512-293-5840 http://rho-project.org: rho- open source web services for R. http://franklin.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu: Shaw laboratory, bcm.