Chris wrote:> When I have a habtm association between two models (User & List),
> thru a join table users_lists, there are a variety of ways to
> associations between specific User<->List combinations.
> ActiveRecord lists delete, clear etc.
> However, these methods all operate by setting foreign keys in the join
> to nil and do not remove rows from the join table.
Where did you get the idea that calling the delete method on a HABTM
relationship doesn''t physically delete the row from the join table?
exactly what it does. In fact, I just verified it in one of my apps, to make
> Q1: isn''t the join table going to contain a LOT of useless records
with nil as
> one column value after a period of time (after deleting many individual
> User/List associations etc.)
Well, yes, it would, if that''s what delete and clear did, but they
don''t, so I
don''t think you need to worry about tons of nil, nil rows...
> Q2. is there a way to break an association between a specific User/List
> by DELETING the row in the join table? (instead of setting a foreign key
> column value to NIL)
What you need to do is set up a HABTM relation and do some adds and deletes, and
watch the development log roll by on your terminal window. You will see the
DELETE SQL calls as they happen.