On Thursday, April 29, 2004, 10:17:46 AM, Christophe Pallier wrote:
CP> Hi,
CP> Here is how I would go:
CP> suj <- gl(40,4)
CP> order <- gl(4,40)
CP> time <- gl(4,1,160)
CP> cond <-
CP> rep(c('N','E','N','E'),10),
CP> rep(c('E','N','E','N'),10),
CP> rep(c('E','N','N','E'),10)))
CP> resp <-rnorm(40*4) # you should use your actual data, just contatening
CP> the 4 columns RESP1 to RESP4:
CP> interaction.plot(time,cond,resp)
CP> summary(aov(resp~+time*cond+Error(suj/(time*cond))))
CP> There is a warning message that bothers me a bit (Warning message: Error
CP> model is singular),
CP> but the degrees of freedom on the table using the Error:suj:time seem
CP> If you try it with your actual data and compare this output with your
CP> statistical package, I would like you know if
You didn't say what you'd want to know but it certainly worked:
Error: ID
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
OCC:LANG 2 0.6794 0.3397 0.5776 0.5662
Residuals 37 21.7594 0.5881
Error: ID:OCC
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
OCC 3 0.7196 0.2399 4.3846 0.00586 **
LANG 1 0.3702 0.3702 6.7665 0.01053 *
OCC:LANG 3 0.0850 0.0283 0.5180 0.67073
Residuals 113 6.1815 0.0547
CP> Concerning the test of higher than linear change, I am not sure how to
CP> handle it. Probaly using a contrast,
CP> but this is an area where I am still not at ease with R.
I thought I could just put "ordered(OCC)" but that didn't do it.
Anyone else help us here?
CP> Hope this helps,
Wonderful. I probably should have been able to see this but sometimes
I can't unless someone kindly leads the way. Much appreciated.