Dear, R experts. I have two program codes, one is made by Splus and the other is made by transferring from Splus code. Because "nlminb" function in Splus is equivalent to "optim" in R, I expected to get exactly same result. But, sometime there is too large differece (greater than 2%) between two outputs. I looked two help files. According to those, in Splus, quasi-Newton method was used with hessian or gradient option unchecked and in R, "BFGS" method is a quasi-Newton method. Therefore, if we use "BFGS" method in R, we are using same method to Splus. Is there another consideration when we transferring from Splus to R? Or any suggestions or comments? Thanks in advance. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Changku Kang National Center for Environmental Assessment EPA (B211F) 919-541-1396 919-541-0245 (fax) Kang.Changku at Graduate Student Department of Statistics, NCSU ckang2 at 919-513-2956 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++