I'm trying to read in a fairly large (92 observations by 3680 variables)
table into R from a space-delimited text file (attached) using the command: d8
<- read.table('d8.r', header=T). The function call runs to
completion, and I
get back a valid table object. However, starting at column 999, the table
records the value TRUE when it should record T (T's in columns 998 and
are fine). I've looked at the data file, and I can see no difference between
(e.g.) the T at position 998 in row 1 and the T in position 999 in row 1, yet
998 is recorded as T and 999 as TRUE.
I know I could just update the table in R to change all TRUEs to Ts, but I'm
worried there may be some underlying limit I'm running up against. I've
this on both R-1.7.1 and 1.8.1 on Linux/IA-32. Can anyone help?
Daniel Myers
Laboratory of Dr. Michael P. Cummings
Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
University of Maryland
Agri/LFSc Surge Building #296
College Park, MD 20742-3360
dmyers at umiacs.umd.edu
301.405.1262 work
"Think of your breed; for brutish ignorance / Your mettle was not made; you
were made men / To follow after knowledge and excellence."
As if I also was hearing for the first time: like the blast of a trumpet,
like the voice of God. For a moment I forget who I am and where I am.
--Primo Levi, Survival in Auschwitz