System info: Red Hat 9.0 R Version 1.8.0 ESS 5.1.21 Emacs 21.2.1 ------------------- Hello I've been working with Paul Murrell here in New Zealand to develop plots of temperature and density profiles at 22 stations spanning a frontal zxone, and then overlaying the isothermal and mixed layer depths (similar to Kara et al. 2003 JGR Oceans 108(C3) pg. 24-5, figure 2). Paul Murrell has a package called gridBase which works with R 1.8.0 that does the job nicely. I've put the plot on a publicly accessible ftp site <> Here is the code used to generate the plot that Paul developed with my collaboration. --------------------------------------- panel.t.s.profiles.mld.paul.alternate <- function() { ## Purpose: ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Paul Murrell & Sam McClatchie, Date: 16 Oct 2003, 09:43 require(gridBase) ## zt, p, zsigma, and lat are in the workspace ## ILD data generated by "calculate.MLD.and.ILD(0.8)" etc #ILD values are in the workspace #convert to positive values ILD0.2 <- -ILD0.2 ILD0.2 <- matrix(c(ILD0.2,NA,NA),ncol=8,byrow=T) ILD0.2.vec <- c(ILD0.2[1,],ILD0.2[2,],ILD0.2[2,]) ILD0.5 <- -ILD0.5 ILD0.5 <- matrix(c(ILD0.5,NA,NA),ncol=8,byrow=T) ILD0.5.vec <- c(ILD0.5[1,],ILD0.5[2,],ILD0.5[2,]) ILD0.8 <- -ILD0.8 ILD0.8 <- matrix(c(ILD0.8,NA,NA),ncol=8,byrow=T) ILD0.8.vec <- c(ILD0.8[1,],ILD0.8[2,],ILD0.8[2,]) ## dummy MLD data MLD0.5 <- ILD0.5*0.75 MLD0.5.vec <- c(MLD0.5[1,],MLD0.5[2,],MLD0.5[2,]) nrow <- 3 ncol <- 8 grid.newpage() par(xpd=NA, col.axis="grey") # Use grid to make a layout of rows and columns # Each "row" consists of a plot region with a label area on top # (i.e., a Trellis-like arrangement) hence the "nrow*2". # The label area is 1 line high, the plot areas # consume the remaining height. # Maybe you could add extra rows and cols to this layout to # create small gaps between each plot # This layout is within a viewport which leaves margins for axes # and labels push.viewport(viewport(x=unit(4, "lines"), y=unit(4, "lines"), width=unit(1, "npc") - unit(6, "lines"), height=unit(1, "npc") - unit(6, "lines"), just=c("left", "bottom"), layout=grid.layout(nrow*2, ncol, heights=unit(rep(c(1, 1), nrow), rep(c("lines", "null"), nrow))))) for (i in 1:nrow) { for (j in 1:ncol) { index <- (i-1)*ncol + j evenrow <- i %% 2 == 0 evencol <- j %% 2 == 0 if (index < 23) { # Go to plot region i, j # Set the yscale for doing the overlay later push.viewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=i*2, layout.pos.col=j, yscale=c(400, 0))) grid.rect(gp=gpar(col="grey")) # Draw first plot # Here's where we use gridBase to put a plot into a grid viewport # The par(plt=gridPLT()) makes the plotting region line up with # the current grid viewport (pushed two lines ago) par(plt=gridPLT(), new=TRUE, cex=0.8) plot(zt[,index],-p[,1], ylim=c(400,0), xlim=c(6,15), type='l', xlab="",ylab="", axes=FALSE, xpd=FALSE) # Draw axes (only do some) if (j == 1 && !evenrow) axis(2, col="grey") if (i == nrow && !evencol) axis(1, col="grey") par(new=TRUE) # Draw second plot plot(zsigmat[,index],-p[,1], ylim=c(400,0), type='l',lty=2, xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(26.1,27.4), axes=FALSE, xpd=FALSE) # Draw axes if ((j == ncol || index == 22) && evenrow) axis(4, col="grey") pop.viewport() # Draw the latitude labels push.viewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=i*2 - 1, layout.pos.col=j, gp=gpar(col="grey", fill="light grey"))) grid.rect() grid.text(round(lat[index,],digits=2), gp=gpar(col="white")) # Draw top axes if (i == 1 && evencol) { par(plt=gridPLT()) axis(3, col="grey") } pop.viewport() } } } # Overlay mixed layer depths lines # Here we use some grid functions to do drawing # The 0.5 means "half way across the region", # the "native" means that the value is relative # to the yscale we set up when we created the viewport for (i in 1:nrow) { for (j in 1:ncol) { index <- (i-1)*ncol + j if (index < 23) { push.viewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=i*2, layout.pos.col=j, yscale=c(400, 0))) # Do a in the first column and a otherwise if (j == 1), unit(MLD0.5[i, j], "native")) else, unit(MLD0.5[i, j], "native"), gp=gpar(lty="dotted")) pop.viewport() } } } # Draw the overlay points last to overwrite the overlay lines for (i in 1:nrow) { for (j in 1:ncol) { index <- (i-1)*ncol + j if (index < 23) { push.viewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=i*2, layout.pos.col=j, yscale=c(400, 0))) # Overlay mixed layer depths points grid.points(0.5, unit(ILD0.5[i, j], "native"), pch=21, size=unit(3, "mm"), gp=gpar(fill=NULL)) grid.points(0.5, unit(ILD0.2[i, j], "native"), pch=21, size=unit(3, "mm"), gp=gpar(fill=NULL)) grid.points(0.5, unit(ILD0.8[i, j], "native"), pch=21, size=unit(3, "mm"), gp=gpar(fill=NULL)) grid.points(0.5, unit(MLD0.5[i, j], "native"), pch=21, size=unit(3, "mm"), gp=gpar(fill="grey")) pop.viewport() } } } # Do some overall axis labels push.viewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=nrow*2)) grid.text(expression(paste("temp", .^o,"C", sep="")), y=unit(-3, "lines")) pop.viewport() push.viewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=1)) grid.text("depth m", x=unit(-3, "lines"), rot=90) pop.viewport() pop.viewport() } ------------------ I hope that some of this may be of use to you. It would be nice if you could let both myself and Paul see the result of efforts. Cheers Sam -- Sam McClatchie, Research scientist (fisheries acoustics)))))))))) NIWA (National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd) PO Box 14 901, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand s.mcclatchie at Research home page <> /\ >><xX(&> /// \\\ //// \\\\ /// <%)Xx><< ///// \\\\\\ ><(((@> ><(((%> ..>><xX(?>O<?)Xx><<