I have just put the source code (and a zip file for Window$ users) of
package DCluster in my website:
DCluster is a package that contains routines for the detection of
spatial clusters of diseases (Openshaw's GAM, Besag and Newell,
Kulldorff and Nagarwalla, Stone's Test and others).
A full description can be found here:
The purpose of this pre-release is to get feedback from the users. I'm
sure there are still bugs in the code (please, use it with care), so I
hope to debug them from your comments!!
Best regards,
Virgilio G?mez Rubio
Grup d'Estad?stica espacial i temporal
en Epidemiologia i medi ambient
Dpto. Estad?stica e I. O. - Facultat de Matem?tiques
Avda. Vicent A. Estell?s, 1 - 46100 Burjassot
Valencia - SPAIN
TLF: 00 34 96 354 43 62 - FAX: 00 34 96 354 47 35