Angel -
2003-Apr-23 12:29 UTC
[R] nls: Missing value or an Infinity produced when evaluating the model
Hi, I am trying to fit a sigmoid curve to some data with nls but I am getting into some trouble. Seems that the optimization method is getting down to some parameter estimates that make the equation unsolvable. This is an example:>growth<-data.frame(Time=c(5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27),BodyMass=c(45,85,125,210,300,485,570,700,830,940,1030,1120))>GrowthModel<-nls(BodyMass~(((1-(1-((BirthMass/MaxMass)^0.25))*exp(-a*Time/(4*MaxMass^0.25)))^4)*MaxMass),data=growth,start=c(BirthMass=3,MaxMass=2500,a=1.5),trace=TRUE)56043.86 : 3.0 2500.0 1.5 Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) : Missing value or an Infinity produced when evaluating the model Is there anyway I can restrict the parameter values used so it doesn't get to this no return point. Any other alternatives are also very welcome! Thanks in advance, Angel _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail messages direct to your mobile phone
Christian Ritz
2003-Apr-23 13:22 UTC
[R] nls: Missing value or an Infinity produced when evaluating the model
Hi Angel, I tried reparametrise your model, setting: BirthMass^0.25=u MaxMass^0.25=v and giving the following formula in R: GrowthModel<-nls(BodyMass~(((1-(1-u/v)*exp(-a*Time/(4*v)))^4)*v^4),data=grow th,start=c(u=4,v=5,a=1.5),trace=TRUE) And this works for me, but the u estimate is negative (not significantly different from 0, though). Christian ----- Original Message ----- From: "Angel -" <angel_lul at> To: <r-help at> Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 2:29 PM Subject: [R] nls: Missing value or an Infinity produced when evaluating the model> Hi, > I am trying to fit a sigmoid curve to some data with nls but I am getting > into some trouble. > Seems that the optimization method is getting down to some parameter > estimates that make the equation unsolvable. This is an example: >...