Dear MS windows users of R In MS windows R1.6.2 the console window has a menu item "Misc>Buffered Output" which is toggled on off with an appropriate tick check when on. I would like to use such a toggle to set parameters in winMenu etc. My search of CRAN did not idicate how this could be achieved so I fear it cannot be done. If this conclusion is incorrect could anybody steer me in the appropriate direction. Many Thanks SimonG *********************************** Simon Gatehouse CSIRO Exploration and Mining, Newbigin Close off Julius Ave North Ryde, NSW Mail: PO Box 136, North Ryde NSW 1670, Australia Phone: 61 (2) 9490 8677 Fax: 61 (2) 9490 8921 Mobile: 61 0407 130 635 E-mail: simon.gatehouse at Web Page: