Dear All, Is there anyone using package gld in R? I have managed to load this package into Splus. I found that in some cases the use of this package will cause Splus to crash and R to hang, I am not sure why but this is just an example: qgl(c(0,1),45.23587,0.2363868,-1.5,0) Which means the functon ranges from -Inf to Inf, however if you put: pgl(150,45.23587,0.2363868,-1.5,0) Then Splus will crash and R will hang. There are other examples in dgl that also causes R to hang and Splus to quit. I think this may have to do with using numerical methods to approximate the distribution function of gld. Does anyone have any ideas about how to fix this problem or correct this difficulty? Steve. ************************************************************************************** Steve Su ( PhD student. School of Accountancy School of Mathematical Sciences Queensland University of Technology Postal Address: Steve Su, School of Accountancy, QUT, PO Box 2434, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 4000. Phone: +61 7 3864 2017 Fax: +61 7 3864 1812 Mobile: 0421 840 586 . _--_|\ / QUT \_.--._/ v ************************************************************************************** [[alternate HTML version deleted]]