Hello, I would like to compare 2 vectors representing 2 signals. To do so, I use a wavelet decomposition (wavethresh package). I then try to find if the such transformed vectors are equivalent or not. I can do for example a simple a correlation test on wavelets coefficents, but it seems to me that in this case, it's no more better than a FFT analysis. What I wanted to do (and that's my question), is to compare coefficients values, but also compare the relative positions of coefficients on each levels. Does anybody did such a stuff under R ? -- Cordialy ---------------------------------------- Emmanuel POIZOT Cnam/Intechmer Digue de Collignon 50110 Tourlaville T?l : (33)(0)2 33 88 73 42 Fax : (33)(0)2 33 88 73 39 -----------------------------------------