Christian Hennig wrote:>
> Hello list,
> I want to apply svm from library e1071, and I want to supply class weights.
> I do not really understand the help entry (and there is no example)
> class.weights: a named vector of weights for the different classes,
> used for asymetric class sizes. Not all factor levels have to
> be supplied (default weight: 1). All components have to be
> named.
> I have two classes, factor levels are 1 (2000 cases, say) and 2 (1000
> cases). How has the entry for class.weights to look like? (I'm more
> interested in the syntax than what the weight should be, but if you know,
> please tell me...)
for example, consider the two classes `male' and `female':
svm(..., class.weights = c(male=0.4, female=0.6))
> Best,
> Christian
> --
> ***********************************************************************
> Christian Hennig
> Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum (LEO), CH-8092 Zuerich (currently)
> and Fachbereich Mathematik-SPST/ZMS, Universitaet Hamburg
> hennig at,
> hennig at,
> #######################################################################
> ich empfehle
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