I am learning the tcl/tk package and language and working through an example (following a Tcl/Tk) tutorial which constructs a menubar and menu system. My code is below. I would very much appeciate some help with two questions. 1. What is the parent for the menus associated with the menubuttons? 2. Why does the toplevel frame shrink if though I define the width of the menubar frame and set the fill="x"? Thanks Ross Darnell -- Email: <r.darnell at shrs.uq.edu.au> require(tcltk) || stop("tcltk support is absent") # Generate the main frame .fr <- tktoplevel(width=800,height=500) tktitle(.fr) <- "My example" .menubar <- tkframe(.fr, relief="raised", borderwidth=2, width=500,height=15) tkpack(.menubar,fill="x") #why does .fr shrink? # Set up the menu buttons .menubar.file <- tkmenubutton(.menubar, text="File", underline=0,menu=.menubar.file.menu) .menubar.edit <- tkmenubutton(.menubar, text="Edit", underline=0,menu=.menubar.edit.menu) .menubar.graphics <- tkmenubutton(.menubar, text="Graphics", underline=0,menu=.menubar.graphics.menu) tkpack(.menubar.file, .menubar.edit, .menubar.graphics,fill="x", side="left") # Help menu to the right .menubar.help <- tkmenubutton(.menubar, text="Help", underline=0) tkpack(.menubar.help, side="right",fill="x") # create pulldown menus what is the parent? .menubar.file.menu <- tkmenu(.) tkadd(.menubar.file.menu,"separator") tkadd(.menubar.file.menu,"command",label="Quit",command="exit") .menubar.edit.menu <- tkmenu(.) tkadd(.menubar.edit.menu,"separator") .menubar.graphics.menu <- tkmenu(.) tkadd(.menubar.graphics.menu,"separator")