Hi! I work right now with my first real job in R. It?s a series of 12 fertilizer trials with three repetations. The treatments can be broken down to 2 x 2 factors (Product and Application). Experimenting both with lm() and aov() makes me a little confused as I don?t get any differences in the sum of squares. With aov() I have used a command of this type: aov(Yield ~ Product * Application + Error(Trial/Block)) With lm() I have used something like: lm(Yield ~ Trial/Block + Product * Application) The placing of the term Trial/Block in the lm() statement doesn?t seem to matter. How do I tell R that the Trial term should be random in the lm() statement? It?s quite obvious that the Error term in aov() is random, but in the lm()? Is that implied of the fact that it has a nested term inside? If so, and I don?t have plotwise data, how do I mark Trial as Random? /CG CG Pettersson cg.pettersson at evp.slu.se
On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 07:27:07PM +0100, CG Pettersson wrote: ...> How do I tell R that the Trial term should be random in the lm() statement? It?s quite obvious that the Error term in aov() is random, but in the lm()?try library(nlme) help(lme) Cheers Jason -- Indigo Industrial Controls Ltd. 64-21-343-545 jasont at indigoindustrial.co.nz