R's parser complains about syntax like this: a <- 'one string that covers several lines' The parser wants the first line to end with a backslash. Would it be possible to change the parsing rules to not require the backslash inside character strings? IE if the line ends before the string does, and the last character on the line isn't a [single] backslash, then just auto-add the backslash? Reasons why this might be useful: [apart from compatibility with Splus 2000, which doesn't mind the no-backslash syntax-- I don't know about later versions of S]. When maintaining source code for objects which include large chunks of text, it is very awkward to have to remember to end each line with a backslash. I can't just append backslashes to every line, because some of the source code isn't "inside" a string. BTW, until and unless the backslash requirement disappears: I couldn't find any mention of the backslash requirement in the documentation (at least in what comes with the Windows binary)-- good places might be in the discussion of character vectors in R-Intro (section 2.6), and in the discussion of the parser in R-Lang (10.3 I think). Not sure where it might go in the help system. cheers Mark ******************************* Mark Bravington CSIRO (CMIS) PO Box 1538 Castray Esplanade Hobart TAS 7001 phone (61) 3 6232 5118 fax (61) 3 6232 5012 Mark.Bravington at csiro.au