On Tue, 10 Dec 2002, Christian Schulz wrote:
> hi,
> have anybody a suggestion why this function
> works only for a vector correct.
> When i'm using apply(data,2,fuzzy) i have the columns
> stacked (i.e. dim(x) =1000,4 should after the function 1000,8
> instead is 2000,4) - for single vector it's ok.
No, apply doesn't do that -- it doesn't look at matrix arguments at all.
If dim(x) is c(1000,4) then fuzzy is called 4 times, each time with an
argument of length 1000. It returns a value of length 2000 and so you get
a 2000x4 result.
I can't see why you would expect to get a 1000x8 result -- I might have
expected a 1000x4x2 array, though.
You can get the result you want with
matrix(apply(x,2,fuzzy), nrow=nrow(x))
> fuzzy <- function (x)
> {
> fuz.x <- cbind(x, x)
> min <- quantile(x, 0.20)
> max <- quantile(x, 0.80)
> fuz.x[x >= max, 1] <- 1
> fuz.x[x >= max, 2] <- 0
> fuz.x[x <= min, 1] <- 0
> fuz.x[x <= min, 2] <- 1
> fuz.x[x > min & x < max, 1] <- (x[x > min & x <
max] - min)/(max - min)
> fuz.x[x > min & x < max, 2] <- (max - x[x > min & x
< max])/(max - min)
> fuz.x
> }
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Thomas Lumley Asst. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu University of Washington, Seattle