>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Y Peng <ypeng at
>>>>> on Tue, 22 Oct 2002 16:59:52 -0230 writes:
Paul> Dear S-PLUS/R users:
Paul> Do you know any default function or a user contributed function
Paul> can draw an ellipse with given axes and origin? Thanks for any
Yes, here (written for R, should work in S-plus as well;
for the examples, and S-plus, you need to replace
col = "gray" by col = <number>}
### Copyright 2002 (C) Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
## Martin's Solution : radially equispaced ("radial gleichm?ssig")
ellipsePoints <- function(a,b, alpha = 0, loc = c(0,0), n = 201)
## Purpose: ellipse points,radially equispaced, given geometric par.s
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: a, b : length of half axes in (x,y) direction
## alpha: angle (in degrees) for rotation
## loc : center of ellipse
## n : number of points
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 19 Mar 2002, 16:26
B <- min(a,b)
A <- max(a,b)
## B <= A
d2 <- (A-B)*(A+B) #= A^2 - B^2
phi <- 2*pi*seq(0,1, len = n)
sp <- sin(phi)
cp <- cos(phi)
r <- a*b / sqrt(B^2 + d2 * sp^2)
xy <- r * cbind(cp, sp)
## xy are the ellipse points for alpha = 0 and loc = (0,0)
al <- alpha * pi/180
ca <- cos(al)
sa <- sin(al)
xy %*% rbind(c(ca, sa), c(-sa, ca)) + cbind(rep(loc[1],n),
## Example:
ep <- ellipsePoints(2,5)
plot(ep, type="n",asp=1) ; polygon(ep, col = 2)
## rotate by 30 degrees :
plot(ellipsePoints(2,5, alpha = 30), asp=1)
abline(a=0,b= tan( 30 *pi/180), col=2, lty = 2)
abline(a=0,b= tan(120 *pi/180), col=3, lty = 2)
## Movie : rotating ellipse :
nTurns <- 4 # #{full 360 deg turns}
for(al in 1:(nTurns*360)) {
ep <- ellipsePoints(3,6, alpha=al, loc = c(5,2))
asp=1, axes = FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
## Movie : rotating _filled_ ellipse {less nice to look at}
for(al in 1:180) {
ep <- ellipsePoints(3,6, alpha=al, loc = c(5,2))
asp=1, axes = FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
For R, there's also the "ellipse" package on CRAN
which does other ellipses (confidence ...).
if you're online.
Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum LEO C16 Leonhardstr. 27
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology) 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408 fax: ...-1228 <><
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