Dear Mitchell,
At 05:52 PM 8/5/2002 -0400, Michaell Taylor wrote:>Dear Listers,
>I am having trouble figuring out how to build a formula using a variable
>list. For example, I have:
>a _ data.frame(a=rnorm(1000))
>and I estimate,
>lm(d ~ b+c+d)
Did you really mean to regress d on predictors including d? (Note that the
data frame a shadows a$a.)
>I wish to construct a generalized solution in which,
>ListOfVar _ c('b','c','d')
>The question is how to leverage ListOfVar into the constuction of the
>formula lm(a$d ~ a$b+a$c+a$b). I know this must be fairly simple, but
>unfortunately my readings of the various help files/books haven't been
>productive yet.
Note that a$b appears twice on the RHS of the formula -- probably not what
you meant.
>Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If all of the variables on the RHS are numeric, as here, then something like
lm(a$a ~ as.matrix(a[,ListOfVar]))
should work, where a is the data frame containing the variables in the list
(actually a character vector).
If there are also factors on the RHS of the formula, then you could do
something like
lm(eval(parse(text=paste('a ~', paste(ListOfVar,
though someone will probably think of something simpler.
Does that do what you need?
John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4
email: jfox at
phone: 905-525-9140x23604
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