These should work OK - I did it a long time ago so the code is a little
crude. Watch out for some of the longer lines which may not wrap well in
ascii text.
> I wonder if anyone out there has written a routine to solve the simple
> linear calibration problem?
> - fit regression of y vs x
> - estimate the value x0 (with 95% CI) that gives y0
# R function to do classical calibration
# input the x and y vectors and the value of y to make an
# estimate for
# val is a value of dep
# returns the calibrated value of x and it's
# single confidence interval about x
# form of calibration particularly suited to jackknifing
calib <- function(indep, dep, val)
# generate the model y on x and get out predicted values for x
reg <- lm(dep~indep)
xpre <- (val - coef(reg)[1])/coef(reg)[2]
# generate a confidence
yyat <- ((dep - predict(reg))^2)
sigyyat <- ((sum(yyat)/(length(dep)-2))^0.5)
term1 <- sigyyat/coef(reg)[2]
sigxxbar <- sum((indep - mean(indep))^2)
denom <- sigxxbar * ((coef(reg)[2])^2)
conf <- abs(((1+(1/length(dep))+(((val -
return(xpre, conf)
# R function to do classical calibration
# input the x and y vectors
# returns a data.frame defined in the main function with
# vectors xpre and conf which are the predicted x values and
# the single confidence interval about x
calib <- function(indep,dep)
# generate the model y on x and get out predicted values for x
reg <- lm(dep~indep)
xpre <- (dep-coef(reg)[1])/coef(reg)[2]
# generate a confidence
yyat <- ((dep-predict(reg))^2)
sigyyat <- ((sum(yyat)/(length(dep)-2))^0.5)
term1 <- sigyyat/coef(reg)[2]
sigxxbar <- sum((indep-mean(indep))^2)
denom <- sigxxbar * ((coef(reg)[2])^2)
conf <-
return(xpre, conf)
** Dr. David Lucy **
** Joseph Bell Centre for Forensic Statistics and Legal Reasoning **
** Department of Mathematics and Statistics **
** The University of Edinburgh **
** James Clerk Maxwell Building **
** King's Buildings **
** Mayfield Road **
** Edinburgh **
** EH9 3JZ **
** **
** tel: 0131 650 5057 **
** extension: 505057 **
** e-mail: dlucy at **
** **
** Truncated address: **
** **
** Dr. David Lucy **
** Department of Mathematics **
** JCMB **
** King's Buildings **
** Edinburgh University **
** Edinburgh **
** EH9 3JZ **
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