On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 Jim_Garrett at bd.com wrote:
> I have a series of datasets, each containing pH measurements and
> manufacturing dates, and each dataset pertains to a different manufactured
> product. I'm trying to create a series of plots of pH measurements by
> date, but the default X-axis labeling behavior is not giving adequate
> results in this particular case, and I can't figure out how to persuade
> to come up with something more meaningful. Specifically, the datasets
> generally span about 1.5 years, and only January 1 is given a tick mark and
> label. Some datasets contain both Jan. 1 2000 and Jan. 1 2001, and others
> just Jan. 1 2001, so I'm getting one or two tick marks. Generally
> month is represented in these datasets, and I would like to see a tick mark
> every two or three months. I can't seem to find a graceful way to do
> System info: Windows NT 4.0, 450 MHz Pentium II (I think), R version
> 1.3.0.
> Here is a small subset of data which reproduces the undesired default
> behavior on my system:
> > test.dat
> man.date First.Bottle.pH
> X14 2000-03-08 9.74
> X4241 2000-08-04 9.42
> X4542 2000-12-07 8.54
> X350 2001-02-05 9.51
> X4591 2001-02-05 8.47
> X4716 2001-02-07 9.54
> X4933 2001-03-19 9.63
> X2831 2001-04-19 9.70
> X1068 2001-04-23 9.65
> X1914 2001-05-23 9.98
> "man.date" is of class POSIXct.
> Entering
> > plot(test.dat$man.date, test.dat$First.Bottle.pH)
> yields a plot with a single X-axis tick mark and label at Jan. 1, 2001, as
I said. I dabbled with the "axis.POSIXct" function,
> especially with the format option, but couldn't coerce it to plot more
tick marks. For example,
> > axis.POSIXct(1, test.dat$man.date, "%m %d, %Y")
> creates a tick mark and date label in the desired format, but only at Jan.
1, 2001. In other words, It controls what the label looks like,
> but not the number and spacing of labeled tick marks.
> Any ideas would be appreciated!
axis.POSIXct is just a convenient way to generate calls to axis.
For some dates z
axis(1, at=z, labels = format(z, format="%m %d, %Y"))
should label the x axis at those dates.
All rules will be rough-and-ready. axis.POSIXct switches from months to
years at 1.1 years: perhaps that is too low, but once you have much more
than that you want the years as well.
z <- test.dat$man.date
axis(1, at=z, labels = format(z, format="%m %d, %Y"))
omits some labels, by overlap.
plot.default(test.dat$man.date, test.dat$First.Bottle.pH, xaxt="n")
axis(1, at=z, labels = format(z, format="%m %d\n%Y"), srt=45)
does a better job, but you will need to choose dates that make sense to
> Jim Garrett
> Becton Dickinson Diagnostic Systems
> Baltimore, Maryland, USA
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