On 2/10/06, Dan Webb <dan@danwebb.net> wrote:> Hi Everyone,
> Sorry for the inflamatory title, just trying to get your attention.
> Ive been thinking alot about the JavaScript helpers and I''ve
> my thoughts on my companies blog if any of you are interested:
> I know people have brought this up a number of times but I really
> think it needs some attention.
> Let me know what you think. Im hoping to get a plugin / patch done to
> take to RailsConf.
> Cheers,
> --
> Dan Webb
> danwebb.net
Cool, I look forward to seeing your approach. I''ve thrown some ideas
around Rails Weenie regarding this. The pages are all statically
cached, and use the behavior lib to insert the user functionality if
you''re logged in. This takes away from the simplicity of it all, but
is definitely possible with the current Rails libs.
Rick Olson