When you require 2 digits you expect to find 5.96 printed
as 6.0, i.e. a number somewhere between 5.95 and 6.04999999999999.
This is apparently not always the case for R.
Why does 0 have a special status as trailing digit?
> options(digits=2)
> x <- c(59.6,59.4)
> x
[1] 60 59> x/10
[1] 6.0 5.9> x[1]/10
[1] 6
\\ - - //
( @ @ )
| Bendix Carstensen |
| Statistiker tlf: 35 30 01 00 |
| Dansk Zoonosecenter dir: 35 30 01 39 |
| Statens Veterin?re serumlaboratorium fax: 35 30 01 20 |
| B?lowsvej 27 e-mail: bxc at svs.dk |
| 1790 K?benhavn V Ooooo |
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