During a load or save in my controller I''ve manually been doing: @myobject = MyObject.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{@params[''id'']}") If I''m updating an existing object I load it, change stuff using something like myobject.name = "@params[''name'']", etc etc, then call save. That''s what I''ve done in similar situations for ages in other development languages. But, I had the urge to go back and look at some of the online tutorials, where I noticed references like this: <input type="hidden" id="myobject_id" name="myobject[id]" value="<%@myobject.id %>"/> So it appears as though Rails can automagically populate an object which can then be referred to with something like: @myobject = @params[''myobject''] At least that''s what it SEEMS like. But if I define a select like: <select name="myobject[id]"> .... code to loop through options setting value to myobject ids ... </select> I just have that, and a submit button. I have the @myobject @params[''myobject''] in the resulting controller, but if I try and view @myobject.id in the view I get something like "-606936886" which is definitely not valid. Can rails load the object up for me or should I just go back to doing the find() calls? Using myobject[property] to name inputs for calling a scaffolded update() seems to work just fine. I''d appreciate any little bit of info you may have. Thanks! - Brent