2006-May-22 15:19 UTC
[Rails] logger and ActionWebService - how can I get them to work together?
I''m adding a web service to a small Rails app that I wrote to learn the framework. This is my last piece of the puzzle and I''m having trouble figuring out how to debug it. I was attempting to iteratively develop the web service method using TDD. There''s so much coercion and stuff going on via the ActionWebService framework that I''m looking to fall-back to the tried and true methodology of using print statements. However, I can''t seem to get Logger to output anything to my ~/log/test.log file. Here''s an example: class LibraryServiceController < ApplicationController wsdl_service_name ''LibraryService'' web_service_api LibraryServiceApi # format is <controller_name>Api web_service_scaffold :invoke def new_item(username, type, title, length, size, state, unique_key) @user = User.find_by_login(username) logger.fatal(@user) puts @user true end end In #new_item I can''t get logger to output anything nor does my #puts go anywhere that I can find. (BTW, the test passes without errors.) Scouring the AWDR book and online resources has gotten me nowhere. Can anyone provide a hint? cr