Frans Lawaetz
2009-Apr-30 20:59 UTC
[Xen-users] "device model failure" when launching Windows SBS 2003 HVM
Hi- I am trying to install Windows SBS 2003 32-bit in a HVM on a CentOS 5.1 x86_64 system running Xen 3.3.1 from the gitco repositories. The domU config is below. I have tried a variety of different settings to no avail. -------------------------------- import os, re arch = os.uname()[4] if''64'', arch): arch_libdir = ''lib64'' else: arch_libdir = ''lib'' kernel = ''/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader'' builder = ''hvm'' memory = ''1024'' disk = [ ''phy:/dev/VolGroup00/win2k3,xvda,w'', '',hdc:cdrom,r'' ] cdrom = ''/dev/cdrom'' boot = ''dc'' name = ''windows'' acpi = 1 apic = 1 device_model = ''/usr/'' + arch_libdir + ''/xen/bin/qemu-dm'' vnc=1 vncdisplay=1 sdl=0 -------------------------------- I run ''xm create windows'' The system fails to boot with the following logs to xend.log -------------------------------- [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:89) XendDomainInfo.create([''vm'', [''name'', ''windows''], [''memory'', ''1024''], [''vcpus'', 1], [''on_xend_start'', ''ignore''], [''on_xend_stop'', ''ignore''], [''image'', [''hvm'', [''kernel'', ''/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader''], [''device_model'', ''/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm''], [''pae'', 1], [''vcpus'', 1], [''boot'', ''c''], [''fda'', ''''], [''fdb'', ''''], [''timer_mode'', 0], [''localtime'', 0], [''serial'', ''''], [''stdvga'', 0], [''isa'', 0], [''nographic'', 0], [''soundhw'', ''''], [''vnc'', 1], [''vncdisplay'', 1], [''vncunused'', 1], [''sdl'', 0], [''display'', ''localhost:10.0''], [''xauthority'', ''/root/.Xauthority''], [''rtc_timeoffset'', ''0''], [''monitor'', 0], [''acpi'', 1], [''apic'', 1], [''usb'', 0], [''usbdevice'', ''''], [''keymap'', ''''], [''pci'', []], [''hpet'', 0], [''guest_os_type'', ''default''], [''hap'', 1], [''cpuid'', []], [''cpuid_check'', []]]], [''device'', [''vbd'', [''uname'', ''phy:/dev/VolGroup00/win2k3''], [''dev'', ''xvda''], [''mode'', ''w'']]]]) [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2036) XendDomainInfo.constructDomain [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 21472432 KiB free; need 2048; done. [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (XendDomain:449) Adding Domain: 54 [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2142) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 54 256 [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:300) Stored a VNC password for vfb access [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: boot, val: c [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: fda, val: None [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: fdb, val: None [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: soundhw, val: None [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: localtime, val: 0 [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: serial, val: None [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: std-vga, val: 0 [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: isa, val: 0 [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: acpi, val: 1 [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: usb, val: 0 [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:743) args: usbdevice, val: None [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2223) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, memory_static_max=0x40000000, memory_static_min=0x0. [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 21471140 KiB free; need 1070080; done. [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] INFO (image:166) buildDomain os=hvm dom=54 vcpus=1 [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:795) domid = 54 [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:796) image = /usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader [2009-04-30 20:37:39 20070] DEBUG (image:797) store_evtchn = 2 [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (image:798) memsize = 1024 [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (image:799) vcpus = 1 [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (image:800) acpi = 1 [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (image:801) apic = 1 [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1900) createDevice: vfb : {''vncunused'': 1, ''other_config'': {''vncunused'': 1, ''type'': ''vnc'', ''vncdisplay'': 1}, ''type'': ''vnc'', ''vncdisplay'': 1, ''uuid'': ''61edab09-3862-33ef-0934-e5cedf1ac26e''} [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {''state'': ''1'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vfb/54/0''} to /local/domain/54/device/vfb/0. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {''vncunused'': ''1'', ''domain'': ''windows'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/54/device/vfb/0'', ''uuid'': ''61edab09-3862-33ef-0934-e5cedf1ac26e'', ''vncdisplay'': ''1'', ''state'': ''1'', ''online'': ''1'', ''frontend-id'': ''54'', ''type'': ''vnc''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vfb/54/0. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1900) createDevice: vbd : {''uuid'': ''fa047aad-fe2f-e959-f7e8-ba0df5bbc19c'', ''bootable'': 1, ''driver'': ''paravirtualised'', ''dev'': ''xvda'', ''uname'': ''phy:/dev/VolGroup00/win2k3'', ''mode'': ''w''} [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {''backend-id'': ''0'', ''virtual-device'': ''51712'', ''device-type'': ''disk'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/54/51712''} to /local/domain/54/device/vbd/51712. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''windows'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/54/device/vbd/51712'', ''uuid'': ''fa047aad-fe2f-e959-f7e8-ba0df5bbc19c'', ''dev'': ''xvda'', ''state'': ''1'', ''params'': ''/dev/VolGroup00/win2k3'', ''mode'': ''w'', ''online'': ''1'', ''frontend-id'': ''54'', ''type'': ''phy''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/54/51712. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] INFO (image:375) spawning device models: /usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm [''/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm'', ''-d'', ''54'', ''-domain-name'', ''windows'', ''-vnc'', '',password'', ''-vncunused'', ''-vcpus'', ''1'', ''-boot'', ''c'', ''-acpi'', ''-net'', ''none'', ''-M'', ''xenfv''] [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] INFO (image:422) device model pid: 1063 [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] INFO (image:511) waiting for sentinel_fifo [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2731) Storing VM details: {''on_xend_stop'': ''ignore'', ''shadow_memory'': ''9'', ''uuid'': ''28f391bf-958d-3129-16ef-853a14d5dcee'', ''on_reboot'': ''restart'', ''start_time'': ''1241123860.09'', ''on_poweroff'': ''destroy'', ''bootloader_args'': '''', ''on_xend_start'': ''ignore'', ''on_crash'': ''restart'', ''xend/restart_count'': ''0'', ''vcpus'': ''1'', ''vcpu_avail'': ''1'', ''bootloader'': '''', ''image'': ''(hvm (kernel ) (hpet 0) (stdvga 0) (loader /usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader) (vncunused 1) (boot c) (rtc_timeoffset 0) (pci ()) (pae 1) (hap 1) (acpi 1) (localtime 0) (timer_mode 0) (vnc 1) (nographic 0) (guest_os_type default) (vncdisplay 1) (apic 1) (sdl 0) (monitor 0) (device_model /usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm) (usb 0) (xauthority /root/.Xauthority) (isa 0) (display localhost:10.0) (notes (SUSPEND_CANCEL 1)))'', ''name'': ''windows''} [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1359) Storing domain details: {''console/port'': ''3'', ''name'': ''windows'', ''console/limit'': ''1048576'', ''store/port'': ''2'', ''vm'': ''/vm/28f391bf-958d-3129-16ef-853a14d5dcee'', ''domid'': ''54'', ''image/suspend-cancel'': ''1'', ''cpu/0/availability'': ''online'', ''memory/target'': ''1048576'', ''control/platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend'': ''1'', ''store/ring-ref'': ''262141'', ''console/type'': ''ioemu''} [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {''state'': ''1'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/console/54/0''} to /local/domain/54/device/console/0. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''windows'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/54/device/console/0'', ''uuid'': ''0f2d95dc-7d37-80c3-b42f-d2e8103406ec'', ''frontend-id'': ''54'', ''state'': ''1'', ''location'': ''3'', ''online'': ''1'', ''protocol'': ''vt100''} to /local/domain/0/backend/console/54/0. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1443) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices vscsi. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:171) Waiting for 51712. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:656) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/54/51712/hotplug-status. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:656) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/54/51712/hotplug-status. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:670) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices console. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:171) Waiting for 0. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] DEBUG (DevController:166) Waiting for devices vtpm [2009-04-30 20:37:40 20070] INFO (XendDomain:1174) Domain windows (54) unpaused. [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1634) Domain has shutdown: name=windows id=54 reason=poweroff. [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2402) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=54 [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1939) Destroying device model [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] WARNING (image:472) domain windows: device model failure: no longer running; see /var/log/xen/qemu-dm-windows.log [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1946) Releasing devices [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1959) Removing vbd/51712 [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:910) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vbd, device = vbd/51712 [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1959) Removing vfb/0 [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:910) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vfb, device = vfb/0 [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1959) Removing console/0 [2009-04-30 20:37:41 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:910) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = console, device = console/0 -------------------------------- the qemu-dm-windows.log shows: -------------------------------- domid: 54 qemu: the number of cpus is 1 Using xvda for guest''s hda Watching /local/domain/0/device-model/54/logdirty/next-active Watching /local/domain/0/device-model/54/command qemu_map_cache_init nr_buckets = 10000 size 3145728 shared page at pfn 3fffe buffered io page at pfn 3fffc Time offset set 0 Register xen platform. Done register platform. I/O request not ready: 0, ptr: 0, port: 0, data: 0, count: 0, size: 0 -------------------------------- I read a blurb elsewhere about needing to upgrade qemu however I''m not sure how to do that in a xen-friendly fashion. Simply pointing the device_model directive to a different qemu results in a failed boot as well (I can post those errors if that''s the correct resolution path to pursue). Thanks in advance. Frans _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
Fajar A. Nugraha
2009-May-01 03:18 UTC
Re: [Xen-users] "device model failure" when launching Windows SBS 2003 HVM
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Frans Lawaetz <> wrote:> Hi- > > I am trying to install Windows SBS 2003 32-bit in a HVM on a CentOS 5.1 > x86_64 system running Xen 3.3.1 from the gitco repositories. > > The domU config is below. I have tried a variety of different settings to > no avail. >> disk = [ ''phy:/dev/VolGroup00/win2k3,xvda,w'', '',hdc:cdrom,r'' ] > cdrom = ''/dev/cdrom''This seems wrong. Try disk = [ ''phy:/dev/VolGroup00/win2k3,hda,w'', ''phy:/dev/cdrom,hdc:cdrom,r'' ] and remove the "cdrom=" line completely It would also be faster if you ISO image instead of physical cdrom drive. Regards, Fajar _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
Frans Lawaetz
2009-May-01 16:35 UTC
RE: [Xen-users] "device model failure" when launching Windows SBS 2003 HVM
>> >> I am trying to install Windows SBS 2003 32-bit in a HVM on a CentOS 5.1 >> x86_64 system running Xen 3.3.1 from the gitco repositories. >> >> The domU config is below. I have tried a variety of different settings to >> no avail. >>>> disk = [ ''phy:/dev/VolGroup00/win2k3,xvda,w'', '',hdc:cdrom,r'' ] >> cdrom = ''/dev/cdrom''>This seems wrong. Try>disk = [ ''phy:/dev/VolGroup00/win2k3,hda,w'', ''phy:/dev/cdrom,hdc:cdrom,r'' ] >and remove the "cdrom=" line completelyUnfortunately that made no difference. My updated domU config file is as follows: import os, re arch = os.uname()[4] if''64'', arch): arch_libdir = ''lib64'' else: arch_libdir = ''lib'' kernel = ''/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader'' builder = ''hvm'' memory = ''1024'' disk = [ ''phy:/dev/VolGroup00/win2k3,hda,w'', ''phy:/dev/cdrom,hdc:cdrom,r'' ] #disk = [ ''phy:/dev/VolGroup00/win2k3,xvda,w'', '',hdc:cdrom,r'' ] #cdrom = ''/dev/cdrom'' boot = ''dc'' name = ''windows'' acpi = 1 apic = 1 device_model = ''/usr/'' + arch_libdir + ''/xen/bin/qemu-dm'' vnc=1 vncdisplay=1 sdl=0 The error remains the same: [2009-05-01 16:42:54 20070] INFO (XendDomain:1174) Domain windows (63) unpaused. [2009-05-01 16:42:58 20070] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1634) Domain has shutdown: name=windows id=63 reason=poweroff. [2009-05-01 16:42:58 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2402) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=63 [2009-05-01 16:42:58 20070] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1939) Destroying device model [2009-05-01 16:42:58 20070] WARNING (image:472) domain windows: device model failure: no longer running; see /var/log/xen/qemu-dm-windows.log On occasion when I get vnc connected in time I see a brief "unrecognized" message appear on the screen before everything disappears. Thanks, Frans _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
Fajar A. Nugraha
2009-May-01 20:32 UTC
Re: [Xen-users] "device model failure" when launching Windows SBS 2003 HVM
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Frans Lawaetz <> wrote:> On occasion when I get vnc connected in time I see a brief "unrecognized" message appear on the screen before everything disappears.Weird. Nothing I''ve ever seen before. Was there any error displayed on the shell after running "xm create"? If you''re running it on local host (or have X forwarding activated with enough bandwitdh) try disabling vnc and set sdl=1. It should spawn GUI as soon as domU is running so you might have better chance of looking at the error mesage. Regards, Fajar _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
Frans Lawaetz
2009-May-04 18:06 UTC
Re: [Xen-users] "device model failure" when launching Windows SBS 2003 HVM
On Fri, 2009-05-01 at 15:32 -0500, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:> On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Frans Lawaetz <> wrote: > > On occasion when I get vnc connected in time I see a brief "unrecognized" message appear on the screen before everything disappears. > > Weird. Nothing I''ve ever seen before. > Was there any error displayed on the shell after running "xm create"? > If you''re running it on local host (or have X forwarding activated > with enough bandwitdh) try disabling vnc and set sdl=1. It should > spawn GUI as soon as domU is running so you might have better chance > of looking at the error mesage.Just in case someone else stumbles across this problem as well... I had a bad boot CD. When I tried using PXE boot the problem went away in so far as the "device model failure" message did not appear and PXE attempted configuration. I tried a different CD and all was well. It would be nice if the error message was more along the lines of "Could not find bootable media" or something of the sort. Maybe I will post something to the qemu dev list. Regards, Frans _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list