All -- we''ve gotta be careful with assuming formatting output on netstat(1). "-tan" is a generally acceptable set of flags, but some distros separate ipaddr+ports by periods "." instead of colon ":". All of this out-of-poxis userland+kernel-specific stuff will likely need a uname(3) wrapper. ~BAS def choose_vnc_display(): """Try to choose a free vnc display. """ def netstat_local_ports(): """Run netstat to get a list of the local ports in use. """ l = os.popen("netstat -nat").readlines() r = [] # Skip 2 lines of header. for x in l[2:]: # Local port is field 3. y = x.split()[3] # Field is addr:port, split off the port. y = y.split('':'')[-1] r.append(int(y)) return r ports = [1,10000] for d in range(1, 100): port = VNC_BASE_PORT + d if port in ports: continue return d return None vncpid = None _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list