Dear ladies and gentlemen, in the presentation file for the xen summit 2007 from Donald Dugger about "Updating Xen for the Client Environment" on page 8 I found an interesting option for saving the Windows-Guest-Operating System. I have an Intel 6550 prozessor with VT extension, that''s why I want to use hardware virtualisierung / paravirtualisierung. Till now my Windows only works with hvm: -- # -*- mode: python; -*- # Kernel image file. kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader" # The domain build function. HVM domain uses ''hvm''. builder=''hvm'' memory = 512 name = "WindowsXP" vif = [ ''type=ioemu, bridge=xenbr0'' ] disk = [ ''file:/xen-gast/WindowsXP.xen,hda,w'', '',hdc:cdrom,w'' ] device_model = ''/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm'' boot=''c'' sdl=1 vnc=0 vncpasswd='''' stdvga=0 serial=''pty'' soundhw=''all'' -- how should the xen-guest-config-file look if I want to use the CPU native for Windows and not with qemu? (I want to use sound and network inside Windows) with kindly regards Christian Witt _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list