Eric Benton
2006-Sep-30 12:02 UTC
[Xen-users] Xen Error: "hvm_shutdown fired, shutdown reason=None"
Hello, I Installed Xen (came with distro) on openSuse 10.1 When trying to create a windows VM, the computer is getting stuck while loading. I run the command xm create with the config file as a parameter. Summary ======Distro: openSUSE 10.1 Xen version: (came with distro) Hardware: IBM notebook: Lenovo 3000 N100 with Intel T2400 Processor (VT enabled) VM Config file snippet: ======================kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader" builder=''hvm'' memory = 512 name = "Zana-XP1" vcpus=1 #pae=0 #acpi=0 #apic=0 vif = [ ''type=ioemu, bridge=xenbr0'' ] disk = [ ''file:/media/sda6/images/xp_4gb.img,ioemu:hda,w'' ] device_model = ''/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm'' cdrom=''/dev/sr0'' boot=''d'' sdl=1 vnc=0 vncviewer=0 stdvga=0 serial=''pty'' ne2000=0 xend.log snippet (xend-debug is empty): ======================================[2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:180) XendDomainInfo.create([''vm'', [''name'', ''Win-XP1''], [''memory'', 512], [''vcpus'', 1], [''localtime'', 1], [''image'', [''hvm'', [''kernel'', ''/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader''], [''device_model'', ''/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm''], [''vcpus'', 1], [''cdrom'', ''/dev/sr0''], [''boot'', ''d''], [''localtime'', 1], [''serial'', ''pty''], [''sdl'', 1], [''display'', '':0.0''], [''xauthority'', ''/root/.xauthzQ6Y8H'']]], [''device'', [''vbd'', [''uname'', ''file:/media/sda6/images/xp_4gb.img''], [''dev'', ''ioemu:hda''], [''mode'', ''w'']]], [''device'', [''vif'', [''bridge'', ''xenbr0''], [''type'', ''ioemu'']]]]) [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:286) parseConfig: config is [''vm'', [''name'', ''Win-XP1''], [''memory'', 512], [''vcpus'', 1], [''localtime'', 1], [''image'', [''hvm'', [''kernel'', ''/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader''], [''device_model'', ''/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm''], [''vcpus'', 1], [''cdrom'', ''/dev/sr0''], [''boot'', ''d''], [''localtime'', 1], [''serial'', ''pty''], [''sdl'', 1], [''display'', '':0.0''], [''xauthority'', ''/root/.xauthzQ6Y8H'']]], [''device'', [''vbd'', [''uname'', ''file:/media/sda6/images/xp_4gb.img''], [''dev'', ''ioemu:hda''], [''mode'', ''w'']]], [''device'', [''vif'', [''bridge'', ''xenbr0''], [''type'', ''ioemu'']]]] [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:382) parseConfig: result is {''ssidref'': None, ''uuid'': None, ''on_crash'': None, ''on_reboot'': None, ''localtime'': 1, ''image'': [''hvm'', [''kernel'', ''/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader''], [''device_model'', ''/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm''], [''vcpus'', 1], [''cdrom'', ''/dev/sr0''], [''boot'', ''d''], [''localtime'', 1], [''serial'', ''pty''], [''sdl'', 1], [''display'', '':0.0''], [''xauthority'', ''/root/.xauthzQ6Y8H'']], ''on_poweroff'': None, ''cpus'': None, ''name'': ''Win-XP1'', ''backend'': [], ''cpu'': None, ''vcpus'': 1, ''cpu_weight'': None, ''vcpu_avail'': None, ''memory'': 512, ''device'': [(''vbd'', [''vbd'', [''uname'', ''file:/media/sda6/images/xp_4gb.img''], [''dev'', ''ioemu:hda''], [''mode'', ''w'']]), (''vif'', [''vif'', [''bridge'', ''xenbr0''], [''type'', ''ioemu'']])], ''bootloader'': None, ''root'': None, ''bootentry'': None, ''maxmem'': None} [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1189) XendDomainInfo.construct: None 0 [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1221) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 1 1.0 [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: cdrom, val: /dev/sr0 [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: boot, val: d [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: fda, val: None [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: fdb, val: None [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: nic-ne2000, val: None [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: enable-audio, val: None [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: localtime, val: 1 [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: serial, val: pty [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: std-vga, val: None [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: isa, val: None [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (image:267) args: vcpus, val: 1 [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (balloon:142) Balloon #0: dom0_alloc 1885; free 126; need 535. [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (balloon:148) Balloon: setting dom0 target to 1476. [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:970) Setting memory target of domain Domain-0 (0) to 1476 MiB. [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (balloon:142) Balloon #1: dom0_alloc 1821; free 190; need 535. [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (balloon:142) Balloon #2: dom0_alloc 1685; free 326; need 535. [2006-09-30 14:09:00 xend] DEBUG (balloon:142) Balloon #3: dom0_alloc 1485; free 526; need 535. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (balloon:136) Balloon: free 535; need 535; done. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] INFO (image:136) buildDomain os=hvm dom=1 vcpus=1 [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (image:225) dom = 1 [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (image:226) image = /usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (image:227) store_evtchn = 1 [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (image:228) memsize = 512 [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (image:229) vcpus = 1 [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (image:230) pae = 0 [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (image:231) acpi = 0 [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (image:232) apic = 0 [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (image:401) hvm shutdown watch registered [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (blkif:24) exception looking up device number for hda: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''/dev/hda'' [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:103) DevController: writing {''state'': ''1'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/768''} to /local/domain/1/device/vbd/768. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:105) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''Win-XP1'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/1/device/vbd/768'', ''dev'': ''ioemu:hda'', ''state'': ''1'', ''params'': ''/media/sda6/images/xp_4gb.img'', ''mode'': ''w'', ''frontend-id'': ''1'', ''type'': ''file''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/768. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:103) DevController: writing {''state'': ''1'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0''} to /local/domain/1/device/vif/0. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:105) DevController: writing {''bridge'': ''xenbr0'', ''domain'': ''Win-XP1'', ''handle'': ''0'', ''script'': ''/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge'', ''state'': ''1'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/1/device/vif/0'', ''mac'': ''00:16:3e:6e:7a:7f'', ''frontend-id'': ''1'', ''type'': ''ioemu''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] INFO (image:356) spawning device models: /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm [''/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm'', ''-d'', ''1'', ''-m'', ''512'', ''-cdrom'', ''/dev/sr0'', ''-boot'', ''d'', ''-localtime'', ''-serial'', ''pty'', ''-vcpus'', ''1'', ''-domain-name'', ''Win-XP1'', ''-hda'', ''/media/sda6/images/xp_4gb.img'', ''-macaddr'', ''00:16:3e:18:8c:e0'', ''-bridge'', ''xenbr0'', ''-nics'', ''1''] [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] INFO (image:358) device model pid: 6303 [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:675) Storing VM details: {''ssidref'': ''0'', ''uuid'': ''dcf9836f-5fe8-da3b-317f-2bbeec258ffc'', ''on_reboot'': ''restart'', ''start_time'': ''1159614541.37'', ''on_poweroff'': ''destroy'', ''name'': ''Win-XP1'', ''vcpus'': ''1'', ''vcpu_avail'': ''1'', ''memory'': ''512'', ''on_crash'': ''restart'', ''image'': ''(hvm (kernel /usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader) (device_model /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm) (vcpus 1) (cdrom /dev/sr0) (boot d) (localtime 1) (serial pty) (sdl 1) (display :0.0) (xauthority /root/.xauthzQ6Y8H))'', ''maxmem'': ''512''} [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:700) Storing domain details: {''console/port'': ''2'', ''name'': ''Win-XP1'', ''console/limit'': ''1048576'', ''vm'': ''/vm/dcf9836f-5fe8-da3b-317f-2bbeec258ffc'', ''domid'': ''1'', ''cpu/0/availability'': ''online'', ''memory/target'': ''524288'', ''store/ring-ref'': ''202398'', ''store/port'': ''1''} [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (image:424) hvm_shutdown fired, shutdown reason=None [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:881) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:132) Waiting for devices vif. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:138) Waiting for 0. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:403) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0/hotplug-status. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:403) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0/hotplug-status. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:417) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:132) Waiting for devices usb. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:132) Waiting for devices vbd. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:138) Waiting for 768. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:403) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/768/hotplug-status. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:403) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/768/hotplug-status. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:417) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:132) Waiting for devices irq. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:132) Waiting for devices pci. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:132) Waiting for devices ioports. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] DEBUG (DevController:132) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2006-09-30 14:09:01 xend] INFO (XendDomain:363) Domain Win-XP1 (1) unpaused. ------------- Please help, Any idea on what went wrong? Thanks in advance for you help, Eric. _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
James Oakley
2006-Oct-03 20:23 UTC
Re: [Xen-users] Xen Error: "hvm_shutdown fired, shutdown reason=None"
On Saturday 30 September 2006 9:02 am, Eric Benton wrote:> Hello, > > I Installed Xen (came with distro) on openSuse 10.1 > When trying to create a windows VM, the computer is getting stuck while > loading. I run the command xm create with the config file as a > parameter.Is this your problem? If so, update your kernel. -- James Oakley Engineering - SolutionInc Ltd. _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list