System specs ACompaq SP750, Dual Pentium III''s, 1GB RAM 2 SCSI drives as one LVM unit 60GB, 1 ide drive 120GB(not being used), FC5, xen-3.0.2-3.FC5 Dom0 - 25GB avail ~750MB ram, 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5xen0 #1 SMP DomU - 8GB total, 3GB avail, 256MB Ram, 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5xenU #1 SMP Whenever I upgrade to 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5xenU with yum and reboot the domU crashes irreparably. I dont even get the option of choosing *which* kernel to boot from. I didn''t have X installed on dom0 at that point so I couldnt send the error message in the email then but I will makeit happen again f I have to paste the error message. That brings me to my real problem. I haven''t been able to find documentation of how to make a backup copy/clone of a domU. I am very new to xen and have been working on it fervently for about a week. I''ve tried copying the image file and the config file but when I mess up my running image I''m forced to run fsck on the backup when I swap it in. Is there some ''proper'' way of making a copy of a domU that resides on the same machine. I would liek to be able to experiment and blow away my domU which the confidence that I can restoreit without having to ''fix'' things. Thanks _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list