Hello everyone, I have developed several ruby apps which are currently live in production. Recently I have encountered a problem where my apps stop responding after a long period of inactivity. I am using Webrick as the server with Rails 1.1.2 and mysql 5.0.21. I have dug up other issues people have had with mysql dropping connections after 8 hours, and the supposed fix of adding an ActiveRecord::Base.verification_timeout value less than the MySQL interactive_timeout value. My mysql server interactive_timeout is set to the default 28800 seconds (8 hours) and I''ve tried setting the active record verification_timeout to something small like 1800 (30 mins). My understanding is that after the verification_timeout has elapsed, active record will verify the connection still exists before making a query to the database. I have been getting very strange results and I''m having a hard time making sense of it. I have been running a few different apps and after 8 hours I see that mysql drops the connections to the database. If I attempt to request a URL from any of these apps not too long after the mysql connections get dropped (like less than an hour), it seems to have no problem reconnecting to the database and my app functions just fine. But if I wait longer after the connection gets dropped (like around 3-4 hours or so) they do not reconnect to the database, and they never return a response. The browser just sits there trying to the load the page and eventually gets a browser message "The connection to the server was reset". I''m running out of ideas to try. Could this possibly be a combination of more than one problem? It definately is related to inactivity, because if the site is accessed regularly it never stops responding. I''m assuming the problem is a loss of connection to the database, but my solution only seems to work in certain circumstances. Has anyone experienced something like this, and could anyone give me some advice in what direction I should go in solving this issue? I''ve thought about writing a script to access a URL on the site every hour or so, but I was hoping to come up with a more proper, elegant solution that doesn''t require some quirky hack. Thanks to anyone who can help me out! -Tom -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.