I''m running a benchmark to check database performance. I don''t quite understand the results. The benchmarking code looks like this class DBTable < ActiveRecord::Base ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => "mysql", :socket => "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock", :username => "..user..", :password => "..pwd..", :database => "..db.." ) def self.add_random_entry() DBTable.new { |entry| entry.column1 = ..some_randomly_generated_value.. entry.column2 = ..some_randomly_generated_value.. ..other columns.. entry.save end end Benchmark.bm do |reporter| reporter.report { 1000.times do DBTable.add_new_random end } end The results I see are like this user system total real 8.900000 0.383333 9.283333 (290.029662) which is the output of the Benchmark class (http://rubymanual.org/module/Benchmark) Where does the large difference between the "total" time and the "real" time come from? When this code runs, my Fedora Core 5 workstations is pretty busy (KDE doesn''t respond well); still "top" shows no swapping, mysqld at 10% of processor time, sometimes my ruby process at 5% of processor time. I want to see what kind of response time to expect from my Rails application once the database has grown. For now, the benchmark results are discouraging me from using mysql. Is there something I''m not measuring right? Stephan -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.