you''ll need to include a reference to table b,
paginate builds a find statement, and you weren''t telling it to
include table_b
> @table_a_pages, @table_as = paginate :table_a, :order =>
> "",
> :per_page => 10, :include => [:table_b]
On 15-Aug-06, at 5:19 PM, Gilles wrote:
> Hello, I currently have two tables.
> table_a (
> id
> table_b_id
> other_attrs
> )
> table b (
> id
> name
> )
> So table A holds an id from table B. During the listing of tuples in
> table A, it lists table A''s attributes. In place of the table B
id, I
> check the id, and instead display the name corresponding to that
> id. Now
> I want to be able to sort the listing of tuples in table A by the
> names
> of table B. Here is some code to hopefully help you understand more
> clearly what I''m trying to do.
> sort = case @params[:sort]
> when "last inserted" then "id DESC"
> when "name" then "" # <----
does not work
> end
> @table_a_pages, @table_as = paginate :table_a, :order => sort,
> :per_page => 10
> At the noted line, I am unable to use to sort the
> list. Any
> suggestions on how to solve this? Thanks!
> -Gilles
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