Hey all, I''m having the following issue: We have been setting up ZVOL''s and we share them via ISCSI All goes well untill we want to secure this via CHAP authentication. When we try to do that, we never succeed in discovering the target from an external initiator. We tested both solaris (b57) as linux as initiator. Below is a step by step of what we are doing: 1. create the zvol: zfs create -V 5G stor/iscsivol1 2. share via iscsi: zfs set shareiscsi=on stor/iscsivol1 3. create an initiator: iscsitadm create initiator -n iqn.2006-03.com.qlayer.qpm_1 nas-03 4. Activate the acl on the target: iscsitadm modify target -l nas-03 iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:7e975c57-ed79-60af-daaa-9bbbfb735404 So this part is still OK, The ACL woth only an IQN workt but whenever we try to add the chapname & secret via the following, we never succeed to discover the target. iscsitadm modify initiator -H nas-03 nas-03 iscsitadm modify initiator -C nas-03 PS: We are running ON B63 and we are using the sendtarget discovery method. Below is the output of the working config: Target: home/iscsi/volume1 iSCSI Name: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:7e975c57-ed79-60af-daaa-9bbbfb735404 Alias: home/iscsi/volume1 Connections: 0 ACL list: Initiator: nas-03 TPGT list: LUN information: LUN: 0 GUID: 01000017315a137d00002a00465d8ad5 VID: SUN PID: SOLARIS Type: disk Size: 5.0G Backing store: /dev/zvol/rdsk/home/iscsi/volume1 Status: online # iscsitadm list initiator Initiator: nas-03 iSCSI Name: iqn.2006-03.com.qlayer.qpm_1 CHAP Name: Not set As attachement I included an output off snoop, in this file you can see that the initiator is trying to connect via chap. We never see the Server is sending back the challenge in response. What could be going on? Thanks for all your help! Kristof This message posted from opensolaris.org