Arnaud Michel
2013-Jun-11 11:49 UTC
[R] a title on the map (function gvisGeoChart package googleVis )
Hi I am using the package googleVis and the function gvisGeoChart Is it possible to put a title on the map ? Here is the call of the function : library(googleVis) G1 <- gvisGeoChart(PaysProjets, locationvar='Pays', colorvar='NbProj', options=list( region= "world", displayMode="regions", height=347*1.5, width= 556*1.5 )) plot(G1) Thank you -- Michel ARNAUD Charg? de mission aupr?s du DRH DGDRD-Drh - TA 174/04 Av Agropolis 34398 Montpellier cedex 5 tel : fax : port: