Ok, so I previously thought I had to use usbhid-ups but when I eventually got it
going this is what I got:-
This Powercom device (0d9f/0002) is not supported by usbhid-ups.
Please use the 'powercom' driver instead.
So I switched to the powercom driver, but I have tried a whole bunch of likely
suspects for the port setting, none of which have worked
Tried so far:-
com1 with these results:-
Network UPS Tools - PowerCom protocol UPS driver 0.13 (Windows-v2.6.5-5-7-g72f38
w32_serial_open (com1)
setting initial state on com1
0000005C = w32_serial_open (com1)
Warning: no locking method is available: No error [The operation completed succe
ssfully. ]
vmin_ 0, vtime_ 0
action 0
vtime 0, vmin 1
ReadTotalTimeoutConstant -2, ReadIntervalTimeout -1, ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier
data receiving error (0 instead of 11 bytes)
Com3 gives same result, nothing else I have tried (com2, com4, com5, com6, usb,
usb0, usb1, usb2, usb3) gives me any results.
Does anybody have any idea what port setting for powercom should be on a windows
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