while working on GHC/ARM port using LLVM I'm attempting to compile GHC
with shared libraries support. Thanks to LLVM backend this should be
nearly done except few hacks here and there for ARM platform (inside GHC
source code).
Everything kind of works, stage1 compiler is happily compiling haskell
shared libraries and also stage2 compiler. The problem is while linking
together stage2 compiler shared library. The linker complains about
unresolvable R_ARM_PLT32 relocation, exactly this way:
unresolvable R_ARM_PLT32 relocation against symbol
All code is compiled with llc's -mattr=v7,vfp3 options. My question is
if for example -code-model=large llc's option might help in this case or
not. If the option will not help, then is there any other option or way
which may help with this?
I'm asking since usually response time on this list is very quick
especially in comparison with ARM build of GHC which takes hours and
hours otherwise I would just give that a try...
Thanks a lot!