Ailan, Most of the readers of this list speak English and you may
have an easier time getting an answer if you translate to English
(though there may be some native Portuguese speakers on the list that
can help you directly). This is a text only list so please in the
future post in plain text, not HTML
Ailan, a maioria dos leitores desta lista falam Ingl?s e voc? pode ter
um tempo mais f?cil obter uma resposta se voc? traduzir para Ingl?s
(embora possa haver alguns falantes nativos de portugu?s na lista que
pode ajud?-lo diretamente). Este ? um texto s? lista por isso, no
futuro p?s em texto puro, n?o HTML
For others, here is what Google Translate gives for the original question:
Good morning!
I'm trying to run Rjava R package and does not work. Much of what I
read on the internet suggested updating Java. However, I'm able to run
the process, there is always interrupted. Below is the error that
appears in R.
Error:. OnLoad failed in loadNamespace () for 'Rjava', details:
call: function (libname, pkgname)
Error: No CurrentVersion entry in Software / JavaSoft registry! Try
re-installing Java and make sure R and Java have matching
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'Rjava'
>From what I read on the internet could be the version of Java 32 and
64 bits, but the error persists even after installing these versions.
2014-06-26 7:53 GMT-06:00 Ailan Gon?alves
<ailan.goncalves at>:> Bom dia!
> Estou tentando rodar o pacote rjava do R e n?o funciona. Muito do que li
na internet sugeriu atualiza??o do Java. Entretanto, n?o estou conseguindo
executar o processo, sempre ? interrompido. Segue abaixo o erro que aparece no
> Error : .onLoad falhou em loadNamespace() para 'rJava', detalhes:
> chamada: fun(libname, pkgname)
> erro: No CurrentVersion entry in Software/JavaSoft registry! Try
re-installing Java and make sure R and Java have matching architectures.
> Erro: package or namespace load failed for 'rJava'
> Pelo o que li na internet poderia ser a vers?o do Java de 32 e 64 bits, mas
o erro persiste mesmo ap?s a instala??o dessas vers?es.
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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