Hello, I'm migrating an old S application to R, and having trouble passing tk2listbox selections to a function. Could not find a listbox example with tcltk2, just tcltk. The snippet below shows a few of the lines creating the gui, including a tk2entry box that works fine for passing content, and a tk2listbox that doesn't, and the button calling the function. Right now I'm just passing the default values for any listbox (OSType in the example below). I can't figure out how to pass a user selection. Have tried variations with tkcurselection(OSlist),tclGetValue(OSlist). How do I obtain the value from OSlist if "Simple Random" was selected by the user? OtofanR=tktoplevel() tktitle(OtofanR) <- "Age-Related Data Analysis with OTOFAN" tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="DATA SELECTION & DEFINITION"),stick="we") . . . FreqVar <- tclVar("NA") tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Frequency variable"),tk2entry(OtofanR, textvariable=FreqVar, width=20)) OSType <- tclVar("Random at Length") OSlist=tk2listbox(OtofanR, values=c("Random at Length", "Simple Random"), value=OSType, selection=1, selectmode = "single", height = 2, scroll = "none", autoscroll = "x", enabled = TRUE) tkgrid(tklabel(OtofanR,text="Otolith Sample Type"),OSlist) . . . AppApply <- tk2button(OtofanR, text = "Apply", width = 7, command function() OtofanDT(tclvalue(ADMBdata),tclvalue(ADMBFile),tclvalue(ADMBPin),ADMBF=" NA",ADMBP="NA",tclvalue(GS),tclvalue(Regdata),tclvalue(CustomFile), tclvalue(Ages),tclvalue(FishLens),tclvalue(OtoWts),tclvalue(OtoLens),tcl value(FishWts),tclvalue(GroupID),tclvalue(YearID),tclvalue(Sex),tclvalue (LFdata),tclvalue(FreqVar),tclvalue(OSType),tclvalue(ASType), tclvalue(LAAdet),tclvalue(LPhase),tclvalue(Ldist),tclvalue(LAAstdev),tcl value(LSDPhase),tclvalue(LSDdist),tclvalue(LSDcov),tclvalue(OAA),tclvalu e(OAAdet),tclvalue(OPhase),tclvalue(Odist),tclvalue(OAAstdev),tclvalue(O SDPhase),tclvalue(OSDdist), tclvalue(CORR),tclvalue(CORest),tclvalue(CPhase),tclvalue(GS2),tclvalue( PAAPhase))) Mark Fowler Population Ecology Division Bedford Inst of Oceanography Dept Fisheries & Oceans Dartmouth NS Canada B2Y 4A2 Tel. (902) 426-3529 Fax (902) 426-9710 Email Mark.Fowler@dfo-mpo.gc.ca <mailto:Mark.Fowler@dfo-mpo.gc.ca> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]