Dear all,
I am trying to estimate an mlm with 8 alternatives, but I received the
following error message:
Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "disto.disto") :
attempt to set colnames on object with less than two dimensions
My data look like this:
> head(dtb)
votechoice disto.CVP disto.FDP disto.GPS disto.LPS disto.PBD disto.SP
disto.SVP disto.VL risk
1 GPS 1.3797308 2.1734424 0.7447605 2.7584803 2.1036997 1.2393141
4.320573 0.7027443 9
2 SVP 1.6202692 0.8265576 3.7447605 0.2415197 0.8963003 4.2393141
1.320573 2.2972557 2
3 CVP 0.6202692 0.1734424 2.7447605 0.7584803 0.1036997 3.2393141
2.320573 1.2972557 3
4 SVP 4.6202692 3.8265576 6.7447605 3.2415197 3.8963003 7.2393141
1.679427 5.2972557 9
5 SVP 2.6202692 1.8265576 4.7447605 1.2415197 1.8963003 5.2393141
0.320573 3.2972557 6
6 GPS 2.3797308 3.1734424 0.2552395 3.7584803 3.1036997 0.2393141
5.320573 1.7027443 4
When I estimate a simple logit model it is working:
rpl2 <- mlogit(votechoice ~ disto | risk,data=newdtb, shape
'wide',varying=2:9, correlation=T,
halton = NA,R = 10, tol = 10, print.level = 0);summary(rpl2)
but when I am trying to estimate an mlm, I get the following:
> rpl2 <- mlogit(votechoice ~ disto | risk,data=newdtb, shape >
+ rpar=c(disto='l'),halton = NA,R = 10, tol = 10, print.level = 2)
Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "disto.disto") :
attempt to set colnames on object with less than two dimensions
I would be grateful for any help, thanks for reading this post.
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