2014-May-14 02:21 UTC
[R] Raising a vector to the power of elements of another vector
Hi, May be this helps: a <- 1:3 ?b <- 2:4 Mnew <- matrix(a^(rep(b, each=length(a))),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) identical(M,Mnew) #[1] TRUE #or ?M1 <-t(outer(a,b, FUN="^")) identical(M,M1) #[1] TRUE #or dat <- expand.grid(a,b) M2 <- matrix(dat[,1]^dat[,2],ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) identical(M,M2) #[1] TRUE A.K. Hi all, Suppose I have a vector a<-c(1,2,3) and I want to raise it to the power of 2, 3, 4 and bind it into a matrix that looks like M<-matrix(c(1,1,1,4,8,16,9,27,81),3,3). Let the vector with elements 2,3,4 be called b. Can I manipulate a and b to get M without using loops? I have a massive data and if I use loops it takes very long time. So far I have just tried using loops: Loopy<-lapply(1:3,function(s){ ?????????? a^b[s] }) Loopyfinal<,Loopy) I would appreciate a nicer trick, if there is one. Thanks, Delger