please help me and correct why this program give me error? bcos I want to apply the condition follow the attached below? # program (R) used estimate beta of robust ridge (weighted stacklose) ? rm(list=ls()) ? library(MASS) ? library(mvoutlier) ? library(robustbase) ? library(car) ? library(quantreg) ? n<-21 ? p<-3 ?? data<-read.csv('C:/Users/Kafi/Documents/stacklose.csv',header=TRUE) ???????????? cell<-data ????????????? y<-as.matrix(cell[,1]) ????????????? x1<-cell[,2] ????????????? x2<-cell[,3] ????????????? x3<-cell[,4] ?stack<- as.matrix(data.frame(y,x1,x2,x3)) ?stack ? d <- lm(y ~ x1+x2+x3)$residuals ? d1<-lm(y ~ x1+x2+x3)$fit ? d2<-abs(d) ? k<-4.685 ? w<-NULL ?? for(i in 1:n){ ?? if(d2<=k){w[i]=d{1-(d/k)^2}^2} else{w[i]=0}} ?? w ? Kafi Dano Pati Ph.D candidate ( mathematics/statistics) Department of mathematical Science/ faculty of Science University Technology Malaysia 81310 UTM, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia IC. NO. 201202F10234 Matric No. PS113113 HP. No.?00601117517559 E-mail: kafi_dano at supervisor- Assoc. Prof. Robiah Binti Adnan