Dear all, When I try to run IDEAL it gives me an error saying: Error in ideal(mydatarc.working, codes = mydatarc.working$codes, dropList = list(lop = 0), : object 'normalize' not found. Below is what I did require(pscl) mydata<-read.csv(file.choose()) summary(mydata) legNames<-mydata[,1] pty1<-mydata[,2] leg<-mydata[,3] state<-mydata[,4] const<-mydata[,5] mydata <- mydata[, -c(1:5)] summary(mydata) mydatarc<-rollcall(mydata, yea=1, nay=0, missing=NA, notInLegis = 99, legis.names=legNames, vote.names=NULL, , summary(mydatarc) summary(mydatarc,verbose=TRUE) summary(mydatarc,verbose=TRUE)$lopsided mydatarc.working <- dropRollCall(mydatarc, dropList=list(lop=0)) summary(mydatarc.working) idealobject<- ideal (mydatarc.working, codes = mydatarc.working$codes, dropList = list(lop=0), d = 1, maxiter = 10000, thin = 100, burnin = 5000, impute = FALSE, mda = FALSE, normalize = TRUE, meanzero = normalize, priors = NULL, startvals = "eigen", store.item = TRUE, file = NULL, verbose=FALSE) what am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help, Best, Miriam -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at