Hi, I have installed R in windows7. I was trying to fetch twitter data using "searchTwitter()" for a specific text [package: twitter]. The number of tweets received are less as compared the tweets requested. And I get a warning message as "Warning message: In doRppAPICall("search/tweets", n, params = params, retryOnRateLimit retryOnRateLimit, : 5000 tweets were requested but the API can only return 2299" After reading a lot of sites, I came to a conclusion that it is normal to get lesser number of tweets due to connection loss. But we also have one more parameter "sinceID" in function "searchTwitter" using which we could retrieve tweets having id greater than "sinceID". My question is Is there any function using which we could specify "maxID" which would result in fetching tweets having id lesser than "maxID" as we can do in python. Then I would be able to fetch more tweets by sending the function call of "searchTwitter()" again and again. Please help. Your help will be highly appreciated. Thanks and Regards, Tripti Gupta [[alternative HTML version deleted]]